Given the time restraint of this school project, I decided to send out a survey via social media and was able to get 24 responses from people who have been in Vancouver for more than 2 years. The goal of this survey was to gain perspective about what they thought was missing in the waste management system, inconveniences they experienced and how they segregate, all this is categorized in 2 groups. The first group lives in apartment buildings, and the second group lives in single row homes.
Apartment building residents
Single row house residents
Not knowing what goes in what bin and having to google it.
Specific pickup day for waste. Once a week or once in two weeks.
No way to get things repaired or recycled easily
Not knowing what goes in what bin and having to google it.
glass, plastic, paper and cardboards, compost, garbage
unbroken glass, plastic, paper and cardboards, compost, garbage (broken glass, soiled paper and cardboard)
100% of people were not aware
90% of people were aware (since they had to keep the bins out themselves for pickup)